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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ms. Guzman Post


Hello ! Welcome to Blogger! 

Meet the Teachers

Welcome to our Teacher Korner! We are excited to start this  2015-2016 school year with our first graders. Our philosophy here at City Park Elementary is to keep an open communication with our parents to ensure the success of our bright students. This blogs will consist of day to day classroom activities, as well as updates for our parents.

Mrs. Guzman
Ms. Villanueva
Ms. Lucero

Ms.Villanueva Active Reading Workshop

This week one of the activities is having our students improve their reading skills. It is important that they become active readers. This will help them in any subject because comprehension of reading is a crucial skill. At the beginning of each reading lesson we like to project Word Clouds to give the students an overview of the material. This is a great method since certain words catch their attention. I also like to use shapes that relevant! It's more fun that way!

I also have the students complete story map activities like these after a book is read to them. I like to have them color and be as creative as they want with the printouts. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Ms. Lucero Science mania

Whats the Matter?... Literally! This week our scientist explored the different states of matter.

Talk about science refreshment! This week we went science crazy and created all three states at the same time! We used Ice Cream and Root Beer to create the different states of matter.

The class also learned that heat can change its state. Here we melted crayolas and saw its transformation from solid to liquid!

Matter Matters!

Ms. Cienfuegos Science Presentation

In class we discussed the four seasons with a video presentation I created in Prezi. 
I have posted the link above with the presentation, that I presented to the students. They enjoyed getting a full image of how the seasons look like. It has images that gave them an idea of how the weather looks like during the seasons. I also provided the students to view a video of a song that reminds them of the seasons. 

Math activities!!

This week we are working on geometric objectives such as identifying and creating two dimensional figures as well as identifying and creating three dimensional figures. Please explore our classroom through pictures of our fun and engaging classroom activities.

With the use of popsicle sticks and pre-cut foam shapes the students will be able to count the sides of each shape when gluing them together at the edges and then classify them according to the number of their sides. This is a fun hands on activity that works as visual learning for students and very easy to re-create at home if parents are looking for ways to help our students study.  

For the 3D shapes the students where able to create their own 3D shapes with the help of dotted lines drawn on a plain colorful paper, scissors, and a bit of tape or glue. These dotted lines allowed the students to view and use their own hands to fold the edges to convert a 2 dimension paper object into a 3 dimension figure. Once the shape is complete, students use crayons to number the sides and be creative by drawing the correct number amount of figures into the designated slot. For example, one of the students drew 3 clouds on the side with the number 3. Once the creative part is over, the students will name the shape and describe it, then they will look for similar items around home or the classroom that have the same shape. Looking for similar shapes around the house would be a great review for the students.

Other activities that we covered in math this week included objectives such as creating pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones. Again, creating hands on visual projects allows the students to retain this information longer while enjoying the learning experience.

As a closing for the lessons, as a teacher I like to include a nice video with catchy tunes that can help the students keep it in their minds a bit longer helping them to retain it in their brains for future reference. The following video would be a great example, so parents if you hear your child singing this tune join in the fun learning experience with them. Enjoy!

Parents, if you are looking to help out your child with these learning objectives please feel free to visit the following websites that will provide you with fun activities to do with your child. Parental support is very much appreciated by the teachers and students.